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WELCOME to the world of
Author Lynn Bohart

Case of the Missing Will Book Trailer

Lynn, hard at work.
Book Coaching
Tali Sarnetzky: My experience working with Lynn was fantastic.
She gave me invaluable feedback, made great suggestions and
helped me think of alternative options for my story. Her
approach is supportive and helpful. This is a coach who is truly
in your corner and would like you to do your best. I'm sure I'll be seeking her advice in the future again.
Kim Wright: Lynn Bohart truly excels in providing top-notch writing advice, with her exceptional professionalism and keen attention to detail. Her deep understanding and quick responsiveness make working with her an absolute pleasure. I'm immensely thankful for her support as I navigate my first novel—her positive criticism is a lifeline on this steep learning curve.

After teaching 'Crafting the Story' for 10+ years through Green River College and publishing 11 novels, 2 short story books, and 3 nonfiction books on Amazon, I understand better than most how hard it is to go from a great story idea to a finished product. There are a multitude of decisions to make, and writers often get lost in their story structure, characterization, POV, how to begin and/or end their books, and more.
MY ROLE: Sometimes all you need is the opportunity to talk through all of the above with someone who has more experience, and I specialize in new writers. Think of me like your personal trainer. Together, we can:
chart your basic story arc,
brainstorm to find options you may not have thought of,
discuss how to strengthen weak characters,
identify and plug critical (and possibly missing) plot points,
find the perfect opening 'hook' that will grab readers' attention,
clarify the strongest and most memorable ending for your reader,
navigate the many decisions necessary to move your story forward,
and finally, practice certain writing techniques that will make your writing stronger and more compelling.
YOUR ROLE: Yes, you have a role to play to make this relationship as valuable as possible. Your first goal is to set your ego aside so that you can accept honest feedback on your work. Secondly, I hope you will strive to listen and absorb ideas, tools, and techniques that may be new to you. Lastly, you will pick those that resonate with you to employ them going forward. After all, this is your book. It is not my job (or anyone's job) to 'tell' you how to write it, but rather to show you opportunities to make it better.
HOW WE DO IT: I offer book coaching through video chat. Each session is from 30-60 minutes long. The first introductory call is free, while we explore what your needs are, and how I can help you move forward. From there, you will pick the 'package' that makes the most sense to you. My overall goal will be to help quiet the chatter in your head and get you focused on mapping out the story and characters to achieve your dream.
Please note: It often only takes one or two sessions to clarify your next steps, so check out the individual coaching sessions first. Here, you can first get your feet on the ground before you commit to something more long-term. Also, you'll notice that my fees are lower than many other coaches. That's because technically I'm retired and don't need to replace a full-time income. I'm doing this because I love helping people realize their dreams.
DISCLAIMER: I cannot promise you publishing success. Although I have extensive writing and teaching experience, writing is a subjective enterprise. Therefore, while I will do all that I can to help you craft the best book possible, I cannot guarantee outcomes for either future traditional or self-publishing efforts. INDIVIDUAL COACHING MEETINGS:
These meetings are designed to allow you to get to know me, while also getting a sense of where your strengths and opportunities for improvement lie so that you can make an educated decision on how to proceed. You may sign up for one of my coaching packages or repeat an individual session over and over again.
10-page manuscript review only $25 (with notes)
30-minute coaching call (only, no page review) to ask questions, discuss story arc and structure, etc. $35
one 30-minute coaching session plus 20 pages of copy review $55
one 60-minute coaching session plus 30 pages of copy review $85
COACHING PACKAGES: Many coaches offer lengthy coaching packages. I don't do that. I don't want you to feel it's necessary to spend a lot of money and lock yourself into a long-term agreement to get where you want to go. Therefore, I offer three packages that you can use separately or in unison.
Mapping the story line
$125/week for 4 weeks (Total $500)
So many students have come to me with, “I have a great idea for a book.” But an idea does not a book make! There are a multitude of questions you need to answer before you even begin, such as selecting your protagonist/antagonist, type of plot, point-of-view, setting, story format, types of conflicts, inciting moment (trigger), climax (story highpoint), theme, etc.
Facing these questions can literally paralyze writers so they never write that story. It just remains on their bucket list. My goal will be to walk you through the process over the course of four weeks so that by the end, you will have a clear vision of how your story will unfold and feel as if you’re ready to begin writing with confidence. The four weeks include:
initial, 20-minute call to create a work schedule for us
initial review of 20-pages of narrative--(if you have them)
a work plan based on your stated vision, goals, and narrative review
instruction/discussion on the basics of story structure, character development, point-of-view, scene construction, and more
discussion of the book’s theme, loglines, and encapsulating your vision for your story
brainstorming on ‘how’ to structure your story; where to begin, how to unfold the story, where/how to end
establish regular deadlines and benchmarks to keep you on track
detailed notes from me at each deadline
60-minute monthly coaching call to discuss feedback and next steps
on-demand access to me via email or text
Becoming a stronger writer
$125/week for 4 weeks (Total $500)
There’s a difference between being a strong writer and a good storyteller. While many students might feel confident in pulling together the story components, they lack the kind of writing skills that draw readers into the story and compel them to keep turning pages until the very end. While I won’t teach you how to write (I assume you know the basics of good grammar and sentence structure), I will teach you the type of writing techniques that professional writers use to tell compelling stories. These include the concepts of ‘show, don’t tell,’ passive vs active writing, proper story/dialogue formatting, how to create tension and atmosphere, pacing, creating cliff hangers, writing effective hooks, how to deploy exposition & avoid info dumps, etc.
Through a series of regular exercises and conversations, you’ll learn how to avoid the pitfalls beginning writers often fall into, how to do some self-editing, and how to create a strong narrative.
initial, 20-minute call to create a work schedule for us
initial review of 20-30 pages of narrative
work plan based on review of your pages
exercises/instruction/discussion on the types of writing techniques that will strengthen your writing
establish regular deadlines and benchmarks to keep you on track
detailed notes from me at each deadline
60-minute monthly coaching call to discuss feedback and next steps
Timely access to me via email or text
DISCOUNT: If you order both packages together, you save $100! Instead of $1,000, you pay only $900.
Process for getting started:
1) My goal is to be as helpful to you as possible, so I require everyone to schedule a free 15-minute chat to make sure we're a good fit.
2) Once we determine that working together is a go, I'll have you sign a very simple letter of agreement that spells out what we discussed so that we're both clear as to what the expectations are. This is a safety measure for both of us. We want this to be a positive experience.
3) For payment, I use PayPal or Venmo. Payment for the 'Introductory Sessions' are up front. For 'Coaching Packages' I ask for 50% of the payment up front, with final payments due at the halfway mark.
Go HERE to schedule your free 15 minute virtual chat to see if we're a good fit.